
Wiggle Work
with Savvie

April 28 (Sunday)
at 11:30 am

Class length
75 minutes

294 N Winooski Ave

Shake it! Inspired by burlesque and stripping, work on your shimmies and wiggle into a wicked cardio workout! Skill drills and working on performer techniques, training and tease. Practice and refine confidence for performance, learn and polish stripping skills for yourself or an audience. *All dance levels welcome!* (This is a non-pole class) *looser fitting clothing that allows flesh to jiggle is recommended but not required. Please bring knee pads and a mat if you have them as we will occasionally do floor work!

Maximum 12 students allowed.  
If this is your first class at RevolVT, please bring your vaccination card.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
